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"Dream 13" Kappa Leaguers Attend Leadership Conference in Bronx, NY

On March 2, 2024, the Dream 13 Kappa League program of the Dover (DE) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. attended the Northeastern Province Kappa League Leadership Conference (KLLC) at SUNY Maritime College in Bronx, New York. The Bronx (NY) Alumni Chapter hosted the conference, which included more than 500 Kappa Leaguers, mentors, and parents from Germany, the United Kingdom, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Delaware. 13 Kappa Leaguers attended from our chapter along with 10+ parents and mentors.


The conference included multiple guest speakers, panelists, workshops, and a tour of the ship at the host site. SUNY Maritime College provided a unique experience as it prepares dynamic leaders for the global marine transportation, shipping, finance, armed forces, public service, and STEM industries. One of the first speakers of the day was Bronx Borough President, Vanessa L. Gibson, who acknowledged March 2, 2024 as Kappa League Day in the Bronx. National Guide Right Director Kevin Burnett attended the conference and provided insight on the Kappa League program along with encouragement for the Kappa Leaguers in attendance.


The Kappa Leaguers, parents, and mentors were separated into different tracks for the day, which allowed relatable, productive conversations tailored for each specific group. The workshops for the Kappa Leaguers were related to STEM activities. The panel was comprised of current students at SUNY Maritime College, who explained their experience and answered questions from the audience. The tour of the ship was very insightful.  We learned about the daily duties for each grade, the purpose and uses of the ship, and how it prepares students for opportunities post-graduation.


The day ended with a group photo with all Kappa Leaguers. The conference was a success and provided extensive opportunities to learn and network with those in attendance. We enjoyed our time and look forward to attending future conferences.

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